5 Principles That Will Help You Style A Shirt without Much Effort
James Bond wears a shirt and looks breathtakingly handsome. Okay, he is a fictional character, but have you ever seen that guy from your work who has always dressed appropriately in a shirt? What different technique is he applying to look this great? You both wear shirts! Well, the answer is that he knows the trick of the trade. Shirts are a personal favorite for millions of men all around the globe. They are worn on a regular basis, but the only difference is that that guy is following the 5 principles of wearing a shirt right. Confused? Well, scroll down for the rules that have been precise below. #Principal 1: Keep It Simple Always remember one thing; simplicity is the key to a successful look. Be it a particular pattern, or the texture of the shirt, avoiding over the top arrangements can be quite awe-inspiring. Opt for bright colors, but sticking to a solid tone can actually help you create a lasting charm. #Principal 2: Contrast to Triumph This point might see...