All About Pink: A Comprehensive Guide on How Men Should Wear It

“Pink is for the girls, and not for boys.” This hoax has been going around for so long that no one can actually trace its origin. Pink is the most underrepresented and misinterpreted color in a man’s wardrobe. But let’s get one thing clear here- pink is awesome, even for the guys. You get the components right and you are golden. Rather, you are pink-en. 

But what are these mechanisms of wearing pink? How can a man wear pink and not get judged? How can a man wear pink and appeal with his raw sexual charisma?

mens wholesale clothing distributors

Just keep reading, you will definitely get your answers.

It’s all in the flash

Pink for men is more about flashes. Experiment with smaller pieces like ties, handkerchiefs and socks. It is all about starting from the smallest part for that will be subtle yet will make a statement worth noticing. You will stand out in the crowd with your panache. Private label clothing manufacturer has a number of accessories as well displayed in their catalogues.

The shade for the tone

If you want to make pink work you, you have to work for it. Just for your information- pink comes in a variety of sub-shades itself. There is hot pink, baby pink, pastel, pale pink and it goes on. But the crux remains, match the shade of pink with your skin tone as that will work really well for you. For guys with pale skin, darker tone can create the required charm. Guys with a darker skin complexion, opt for a pale pink for that Prince Charming glow.

Complementing pink

Again, for all the men out there, the color spectrum is actually more than just three shades. Some match, some don’t! Pink is a shade that is sassy, to say the least. Get it correct and you instantly get the shimmers and dazzles. Pink has its own niche and looks absolutely it's best when paired with the same. Red is the easiest color to pair with pink, whereas blue, green and yellow have a hard time blending with the same. White is more of an empty canvas and gels well with all. Unless you are afraid of looking like strawberry ice cream, these shades combined can help you make a striking summer statement.

Recommended shades:

Grey, beige, navy (the darkest one possible) and definitely white.

On that note, keep your look simple. The extra load of accessories, keep them for the other gender please (not sounding sexist though!). Go easy and be spontaneous. Follow the above-mentioned tips and win some hearts (and numbers as well) *wink wink*

Men's wholesale clothing distributors have a wide range of clothes in the stated color that can be purchased by retailers at large. Wholesale purchase can help secure attractive discounts. 


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